New Repo

git init

to create new repo in directory.

Commit Proccess

Add new files

git add .

To stage all files in directory.

Commit changes locally

git commit -m "Commit message here"

Create new commit with message.

Push changes to remote

git push origin <branch name>

To push to remote named ‘origin’ and the branch name.

Add Remote

(for github)

  • Create new repository on
  • ensure that repository is set up locally
  • stage and add a commit
  • make sure local repo is on correct branch e.g. :
git branch -M main
  • add remote branch e.g. for ssh:
git remote add origin

or for http:

git remote add origin

Add SSH Auth

Generate SSH key/pair

(on arch)

$ ssh-keygen

Add Public key to

public key will be in file ending in .pub

  • click on profile picture in upper right corner
  • click settings in the menu
  • click SSH and GPG keys
  • click New ssh key
  • copy and paste the full text from the .pub file