Arch- wifi

Make Sure Packages Are Installed Network Manager is the most simple network utility that I have found. Start/Enable Network Manager Service If you haven’t yet you can enter: # systemctl start NetworkManager.service to start the network manager daemon. Start Network Manager You can use the curses tui: # nmtui and use the menus to create/activate a new connection. or you can use the cli: # nmcli device wifi list to scan for networks # nmcli device wifi connect <SSID_or_BSSID> password <password> to connect to a network....

WSU Wireless on Arch Linux

Intro I’ve found a way to connect my Arch-Linux laptop to the WSU WIFI reliably. Since I had a bit of difficulty figuring this out on my own I thought I would document it here. I’m assuming you already have wifi capability set-up, and have connected to other networks. I am using Network Manager, with the nmcli command to connect to networks normally. But I found it’s easier to use nmtui, when dealing with networks that require a username and a password....

Arch- Connect BlueTooth

Make sure Packages are Installed Bluez and bluez-utils are required for bluetooth ctl. Start/Enable Bluetooth Service # systemctl start bluetooth.service Start bluetoothctl # bluetoothctl This will start an interactive prompt. # exit to exit Enter Scan # scan on to begin looking for devices to pair. Pair You can highlight the mac address of the device you want to pair then: ctrl+shift+c to copy it to the clipboard. then type...