Git and Github

New Repo git init to create new repo in directory. Commit Proccess Add new files git add . To stage all files in directory. Commit changes locally git commit -m "Commit message here" Create new commit with message. Push changes to remote git push origin <branch name> To push to remote named ‘origin’ and the branch name. Add Remote (for github) Create new repository on ensure that repository is set up locally stage and add a commit make sure local repo is on correct branch e....

LaTeX with Hugo and PaperMod

Intro I recently set up my personal site using Hugo the static site generator, with deployment to github pages. Most of the proccess was straight-forward and enjoyable. I did run into a few problems when trying to enable support for LaTeX type syntax embedded in my markdown files. I thought I would do a short step-by-step write-up for future reference. Most of this setup is available in the Official Hugo Documentation but there are a few pitfalls and theme specific steps that are not included there....


Today I am just about finished with migrating my personal site from wordpress. I wanted to revamp the way I interact with my site, to make it easy to integrate into my workflow, and hopefully produce more documentation of what I’m up to. I was looking for the following features in my migration: Write pages in markdown format. I like to do everything in a modal editor these days. I am currently using Helix text editor after migrating from vim....